Historical sites and monuments

Porte Bazée

  • DSC07095

What do we like?

A monumental Roman arch used to stand here, a counterpart to the Porte de Mars, probably from the same era and of identical dimensions.

Named Porte Bazée after the Roman period, it is at the south end of the cardo maximus and opens onto the Voie Césarée in the direction of Rome.

Incorporated into the city walls during the later period of the Empire, the arch was used as a gateway to the city until the Middle Ages. Demolished in 1752, only one pillar and a very eroded column are visible within the college
walls. On the street side, the decorations in the neo-antique style date from the 18th century.


Porte Bazée 35 Rue de l'Université - 51100 REIMS

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Latest modification on 29/03/2024
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