Historical sites and monuments

Poste de commandement du colonel de Gaulle

  • Poste de commandement du Colonel de Gaulle (c) pascal Moureaux

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On May 21, 1940, after four days of hard and glorious fighting by the 4th armored division, a statement by its leader, Colonel de Gaulle, was recorded in this house.
The colonel had in fact requisitioned this farmhouse, known as the "Vieux Château" in the village of Savigny-sur-Ardres, to house his command post.
His message, intended to bring hope to the population, was broadcast a few days later on the radio, in the program Le Quart d'heure du soldat.


Poste de commandement du colonel de Gaulle 2, rue Perrier de Savigny - 51170 SAVIGNY-SUR-ARDRES

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Latest modification on 28/03/2024
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